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Nuestros miembros brindan los servicios vitales que hacen que el condado de Santa Clara suceda. Únase a nosotros mientras continuamos abogando por la prosperidad y la oportunidad para todas las familias trabajadoras.
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Este formulario debe ser utilizado por el delegado para ayudar en la investigación de una queja. La HOJA DE DATOS describe la información que será necesaria para desarrollar un caso sólido. Use páginas adicionales para documentar todos los detalles
Nombre de entrenamiento
[101-05] LUTHER BURBANK SCHOOL DISTRICTPending updated contract, check back soon. Contact your union Representative.
[101-08] SAN JOSE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICTPending updated contract, check back soon. Contact your union Representative.
[101-100] CITY OF SARATOGA EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATIONVisit the Saratoga Employee's Association Page Now To download and view your contract, click the link below. Contact your union Representative.
[101-07] CITY OF MORGAN HILLPending updated contract, check back soon. Contact your union Representative.
[101-06] CITY OF SAN JOSE (MEF)Visit City of San Jose MEF Page Now To download and view your contract, click the link below. Contact your union Representative.
[101-10] SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT EAEmployee Association MOU Contact your union Representative. Visit Page
[101-09] CITY OF SANTA CLARATo download and view your contract, click the link below. Contact your union Representative.
[101-04] TOWN OF LOS GATOSUpdated contract coming soon. Contact your union Representative.
[101-12] OAK GROVE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICTTo download and view your contract, click the link below. Contact your union Representative.
[101-13] SAN LORENZO VALLEY WATER DISTRICTPending updated contract, check back soon. Contact your union Representative.
[101-02] GARDNER FAMILY HEALTH NETWORKPending updated contract, check back soon. Contact your union Representative.
[101-15] SCOTTS VALLEY WATER DISTRICTPending updated contract, check back soon. Contact your union Representative.
[101-03] CITY OF GILROYTo download and view your contract, click the link below. Contact your union Representative.
If I request a Steward, does management have to comply?Yes. They must delay questioning until your Steward can be present.
What is the role of the Steward in an investigatory meeting?When the Steward arrives, the supervisor or manager must allow the Steward a private meeting with you before questioning begins, must allow the Steward to speak during the interview, for instance, to clarify a question, and to advise you (caucus). The Steward also takes notes during the meeting.
Can I have a Steward at any meeting with my supervisor or manager?No, only when you reasonably believe discipline could result from an investigatory interview, unless your contract contains broader rights.
What if I'm told to meet with my supervisor at 10am, but not the nature of the meeting?You should ask about the purpose. You have the right to know that the meeting could involve questioning that could lead to discipline, and the general subject matter of the inquiry, but not the details.*
What if I'm in a routine work meeting with a supervisor or manager and the nature of the meeting suddenly changes to a questioning session?At the point you believe you are being asked questions which could result in discipline, you have the right to ask that the meeting be stopped so you can call in a Steward.
What are Weingarten Rights?In the 1975 case NLRB v. J. Weingarten Inc., the U.S. Supreme Court declared that unionized employees have the right to have a steward present during a meeting with management when the employee believes the meeting might lead to disciplinary action being taken against him/her. Weingarten rights apply during investigatory interviews when a supervisor is questioning an employee to obtain information that could be used as grounds for discipline. When an employee believes such a meeting may lead to discipline, he/she has the right to request union representation. These basic Weingarten rights stem from the Supreme Courts decision: 1. The employee must request representation before or during the meeting. 2. After an employee makes the request, the supervisor has these choices: a. Grant the request and wait for the union representatives arrival; b. Deny the request and end the meeting immediately; or c. Give the employee the choice of either ending the meeting or continuing without representation. 3.If the supervisor denies the request and continues to ask questions, the employee has a right to refuse to answer. In addition, the supervisor is committing an unfair labor practice.
What if a supervisor or manager denies my request for a Steward?If you are denied a Steward's presence, they must end the meeting or not proceed with questioning. If they insist on continuing the meeting and you are still questioned, the employer is committing an unfair labor practice, and you may decline to answer. You cannot be disciplined for such refusal. After the meeting, contact the Steward again to file a grievance or NLRB charge.
Is management supposed to inform me of my right to a Steward prior to such a meeting?NO; management isn't obligated to remind you of your right unless your contract requires it, and even then YOU must make the request. After you have made that request you should contact your Steward immediately, so they can arrange to be there, and most important, build in time to consult (caucus) with you before the meeting.
How do I join this union?Joining AFSCME Local 101 is simple! Click the link below, to complete the membership form and we will be in touch soon!
If I ask for a Steward, doesn't that imply that I'm guilty of something?No, supervisors and managers expect members will request representation; it's just sensible.
What is an investigatory interview?When a manager or supervisor questions an employee to obtain information which could be used as a basis for discipline, or asks an employee to defend his or her conduct.
What about evaluation meetings?You can’t have a Steward at the first evaluation discussion unless the evaluation or the supervisor's questions threaten disciplinary action. When the evaluation is final, you may have representation in later discussions or appeal meetings.
What are the AFCME Local 101 chapters?City of San Jose MEF City of Santa Clara City of Gilroy City of Morgan Hill Santa Clara Valley Water District San Lorenzo Valley Water District Scotts Valley Water District San Jose Unified School District Oak Grove Union School District Luther Burbank School District Town of Los Gatos Gardner Family Health Network
I'm a Steward myself; who do I request if my supervisor or manager questions me?You may request the presence of another Steward, a Chief Steward, or you may request Union staff.
Luther Burbank School DistrictCarol McEwan
MEF City of San JoseJohn Tucker Genevieve Vigil
City of GilroyCarol McEwan
San Jose Unified School DistrictJo Bates
Scotts Valley Water DistrictGenevieve Vigil
Town of Los GatosCarol McEwan
San Lorenzo Valley Water DistrictGenevieve Vigil
Santa Clara Valley Water DistrictAbdul Johnson
City of Santa ClaraCarol McEwan
City of Morgan HillCarol McEwan
Gardner Family Health NetworkGenevieve Vigil
Oak Grove Union School DistrictCarol McEwan
SecretaryDerek Tanguay
PresidentChris Pilson
TreasurerRachel Atkins
Vice PresidentVacant. Future Officer
Gardner HealthYolanda Del Rio
San Lorenzo Valley Water DistrictDetlef Adam
City of Santa ClaraCliff Myers
Scotts Valley Water District (1 Vacant Position)Vacant
Oak Grove School DistrictFrankie Robles
Santa Clara Valley Water DistrictElise Latedjou-Durand Suzanne Remien Jessica Vasquez Fidel Gonzalez
City of GilroyJon Shouse
City of San Jose MEF - (10 Vacant Positions)Dan Gibson Jaime Fonseca Martin Bagnyuk Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant
Luther Burbank School DistrictCarlos Casas
City of Morgan HillJohn Henry
Town of Los GatosSherrie Olsen
San Jose Unified School DistrictIsrael Goins Lilia Valenzuela
When does the current term expire?This term expires November 2024.
LIBRARY DEPARTMENTAustin Carrell Dan Gibson
POLICE DEPT.Alyssa Grondahl
Organizing CommitteeFormulates and actively supports programs to recruit members to this union. Draws up and assembles organizing materials. Quarterly
Constitution, Policies, and Procedures CommitteeReviews the local constitution and the policies and procedures of this organization. Reports to the executive board and the membership of recommended revisions. Quarterly
Budget and Finance CommitteeStudies revenues and expenditures, draws up a preliminary budget and recommends on the financial condition of this organization. Monthly
Communications and Public Outreach CommitteeMonitor and create content for Local 101 website, social media, and printed correspondence. Develops and maintain a positive public image of AFSCME Local 101. Monthly
Legislative and Political Activities CommitteeThis committee shall assist the executive board in carrying out a sound program of political education and action and encourages members to register and vote. In addition, this committee defines, investigates, and recommends on legislation that is of interest to the members. Quarterly, monthly during election season.
South Bay Labor Council DelegationAttends SBLC meetings. Represents local 101 at SBLC functions. Report to local 101 on the affairs of SBLC. Monthly
Human Rights, Health, and Welfare CommitteeStudies and recommends possible benefits for members and society. Assists the executive board in carrying out the Human Rights programs and policies of the International Union, Council 57, and Local 101. Quarterly (Emergency meeting as warranted)
Council 57 DelegationAttends council 57 delegates meetings. Votes on Council 57 affairs. Represents local 101 at C-57. Reports to Local 101 executive board on the current affairs of Council 57. Quarterly
LaSonya brinda apoyo administrativo a los miembros del Local 101.
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